Dec 31, 2007

the middle green villa 1889 this month went by...and the year..2007, good bye..
The for sale sign has been up for about a month but during the winter things slow down, the horrendous winter (much colder than normal and a lot of snow) has not helped and that's about it.
The place could also be a bit overpriced ( the Realtors will always tell you that) and so it goes.
In any case.....if this place were in Toronto...even Scarborough...the asking price would be in the range of $500,000 plus. But here in sticks ville it"s another story. The funny thing is that newer homes sell in this area for almost the same as in Pickering, Whitby fact they are more expensive than in Oshawa. Of course Oshawa...GM lunch pail town is a whole other scene ..
But resale of older homes it looks like is a different story. Guess I'll have to hope for the best.
So, on this note good bye 2007..

Nov 30, 2007

...about time...

...truly hard to believe that november is gone...I've done nothing with this blog..anyway, renovations are progressing at the Koburg house, the villa is up for sale in Oshawa, Courtice , Bowmanville region and so it goes.

Nothing remarkable is happening at the moment, Kath was nominated for an Emmy for a movie short she produced and after her trip to New York she stayed a few days here in the big TO. Royal York no less, I kept looking for the paparazzi...

The picture? Tristan took this shot at the downtown Eatons Center mall...

..and this is my backyard of the Koburg house...

Oct 25, 2007

Art is some stuff I created recently...

Oct 15, 2007

kram halt...

beim kopieren sind einige toene verloren gegangen...werde das nochmal versuchen, mittlerweile eben..... is der Kerl noch beim malen...noch nie Talent gehabt fuer so was..D hat mir da eingeredet es mal zu versuchen...hab ihr dann noch einen Malkasten gekauft..



Irgendwann als ich noch meine Alarmanlagen verkloppte, kam ich in's Gespraech mit einem netten Kunden. Der sammelte Dokumente und Bilder von alten Schiffen. Er hatte sogar einige Sachen von Cunard's Ascania das Schiff das mich damals von LeHavre nach Quebec befoerderte.

Dieser alte Kasten wurde nach meiner Reise sofort verschrotted, war 33 Jahre alt war sogar mal ein Truppenschiff.

Auf meiner Ueberreise gab es sogar eine taegliche Zeitung am Schiff. Die News damals waren Revolte in Ungarn und Bombardierung des Suez Kanals...Oktober/ November 1956.

Oct 12, 2007


Ach Du Lieber...wieder mal eine geraume Weile her seit ich hier etwas produziert habe. Die Zeit geht herum es ist kaum zu glauben.

Die Neuigkeiten sind nun auf meinem blog (this is a link if you care)..

Auf der Suche nach Pirmasens Bildern finde ich hier immer wieder Sachen die bei vormaligen USA GI.s geknipst wurden. Wasserturmkaserne, Wohnungen, BC Totempole in Zweibruecken und das Denkmalding.

Sep 28, 2007


Cant believe I did nothing this past month about this blog...hey another birthday..more work on the new homestead...and the for sale old one.
The AC on the pickup screwed up, hope to get another year out of it.
More problems than you can shake a stick at..almost looks like a nuts world and I think I'm getting a little too old for all that.
I keep reading all the good stuff in the will power book, the source code for all the ra-ra gangs meeting at the convention halls to pump up their spirits. The greenback is at par with the Canadian Dollar...we've not seen that since 1957.

Enough rambling for now.Manfred.. please check on my blog of it may just entertain, inform and educate you a little.

Sep 16, 2007

hey...more stuff to learn

buy a planetbag....and a planetbottle as well...

Aug 31, 2007


The old place....calls itself
the middle green villa
almost ready to be put on the market.
A bit of clean up in the yard, basement and the sunroom and away she goes, on the market.
I may want to use this space to post a few pictures and then list it through Remax...

Aug 25, 2007


As an increasing number of soldiers are killed, murdered in Afghanistan a bit of a ritual has developed here in Ontario. Organised loosely by Fire departments in various towns and cities along our largest highway401 which runs from Windsor (Detroit )to the province of Quebec.
Groups of mourners,police , individuals and firemen standing on top of their trucks, saluting from bridges and overpasses of the highway, as the fallen soldiers are taken from Base Trenton to the city of Toronto Morgue.

Aug 10, 2007

more america...

too hot to think clearly...but that's a problem at the best of times...july gone...august 10 already..can't think of anything useful...found this bit of nonsense on the web:

must be Bushes idea of bringing democracy to the oil region


wonder what idiot dreamed up this kiddie ride...


July gone...already August 10th...much to do here, must sell the old villa and update the new house some's hot...not in the mood to try to construct something intelligent, therefore some stuff from the net.

Can you imagine what idiot dreamed up this kiddie ride?

Jul 23, 2007

wherever you go...there you are...

The end of July 07, with a bit of luck I'll be hitting seventy in a few weeks..That kind of makes you look back , reflect, and then look ahead some to contemplate on what's left of ones time.

picture of Diana with Chicita...

Jul 8, 2007


Pearl's gone....another good friend gone..
Masters degree in Education, highschoolteacher,lecturer,traveller nature photographer, noted author of several teaching books... she passed away.
She came to Canada in the early fifties with nothing but a degree in teaching...and never looked back.

Jul 7, 2007


Ausser Deutschland, Oestereich und der Schweiz gibt es da immer noch ein paar Laender wo man noch deutsch spricht. Z.B. the Amish or Mennonites in Kanada und in den USA. Ein paar Orte in Mexico, Peru...Agentinnien.
Deutsch ist eine der 4 offiziellen Sprachen in Namibia. Stadtverwaltung...kein pinkeln sagt das hier.

AMERICA.....Dear Hillary:-

Today it is widely believed that the so called Marshall plan was the primary reason for Germany's rapid recovery after the war.

Actually, Britain and for some reason France received twice as much money as Germany and with much greater repayment much for that myth.

Jun 26, 2007

AMERICA.....Dear Hillary:-

Some of the most horrible people of the last century are:
Hitler, Churchill, Stalin and Truman....I will go into some details . They changed the world. I hope we learn from their horrible actions and decisions.

Jun 18, 2007


Zeit dass ich ein Lebenszeichen anzeige....ja ich bin noch da.
Viel habe ich im Moment nicht zu sagen der Amidollar geht kaputt...von 1929 hat man wohl nicht viel gelernt. Trotz WW2, Korea, Vietnam ...Iraq hat man hier noch nicht gelernt die Wirtschaft ohne Krieg weiter zu fuehren. Schweinerei aber wer kann das aendern?

Apr 18, 2007

House & Home Scene

Nachts. Um 1:30 herum. Geklopfe an der Hintertuer. Wird lauter. Glass bricht, thermopane , also Doppelglass in der Stahltuere.

Ich mache die Tuere auf mit einem Spaten in der Hand...Diana schreit ich habe eine Pistole / Gewehr ( gun).

Der Kerl geht in die Knie, sie ruft die Polizei an, er wird verhafted.

Mar 29, 2007


Das Bildchen ist vom Lars Dahn geborgt..wenn er sich nicht darueber aufregt.

Manfred von (Richthoven) Pirmasens....
Und wieder ist ein Jahr vorbei....
nicht viel von diesem Blog gehoert von Pirmasens....
eigentlich nur von einigen ex US GI.s die da mal stationiert waren.. in Pirmasens oder Umgebung...
Ich heatte mich gefreut mal etwas von alten Klasssenkameraden (Klasse Klein und Berufschule Klasse Walter Leis ; Metall) doch leider nichts.
Habe da wohl noch ein paar Verwandte herumhocken die scheinen aber nicht sehr Internetbegabt zu sein.

Kleiner Bruder hat mich aufgehetzt diesen ganzen Schwindel (blog) mal anzufangen...aber der hat mittlerweile den Verstand verloren, poebelt mich an und das hat natuerlich auch wenig Sinn.

Ich werde hiermit weiter machen aber den Zaehler habe ich schon lange mir also nicht wichtig ob jemanden meinen Kram ueberhaupt liest.

Werde auch mit weiter machen da ist etwas mehr Iteresse. Mit dem Spanischen bin ich noch nicht so weit dass ich viel schreiben kann, Diana hat damit viel mehr gelernt als ich, man hat hier CNN in spanish und sie versteht sehr viel so lange ich nicht dauernd frage - was sagt der oder was sagt sie...?
So, mehr spaeter.

Mar 21, 2007

The Planet Katharine

by Katharine ....the planet bag

save the planet....use a bag, instead of all that plastic...

A word on those "cloth" bags that are at every grocery store now.
Have you noticed that most every grocery store now has fancy cloth looking bags with their name on them? Most are 99 cents to $2.49, and invite shoppers to become "green" by buying and using one of these reusable bags.
The problem is...they're plastic!
Polypropylene to be exact...which is made from ethylene, a byproduct of oil, like any other plastic.
Also, while the stores say they'll last 2 years or so, they more than likely will tear long before then. Many are made cheaply, and won't stand up to sharp corners, heavy weights, and washing machines for long.
But they're recyclable, right?
Technically, yes. Yet, we've scoured the Internet looking for places in the US that will actually take Post Consumer Polypropylene and have not found one yet.
Not one.
There are places that will buy misprints and scraps, and post industrial polypropylene, but not the bags that are flying off the shelves at the grocery stores. Wegmans out of NY reportedly sold some 300 000 of them in their first week's launch alone.
So what happens in a year or so when all these bags fall apart?
They'll end up as garbage.
Essentially, they've taken the plastic bags you get for free, put some together and pressed them to look like cloth, and sold them to you. It's kind of like delaying when the garbage will hit the dump, and getting you to pay for it.
The real answer is to use cotton bags. Sturdy ones that are large and will stand up to regular use and washing.
We really don't mind if you use other brands...honestly. Just please, use cotton bags!
Some brands we've found that are great are EcoBags, Port and Company, Oprah's GrOceries bag (which is organic), and Enviro-Tote. They are all well made and will last you for your money.
With the Planet Bag, we tried to make the perfect answer to "if not paper or plastic, then what?"
-The Planet Bag is affordable, around $5 when purchased in the 3 pack or set of 6, and $5.95 when purchased singly.
-The Planet Bag is large. Many of the cotton bags out there are small and have short handles. The Planet Bag is 15" x 16" x 3", with 28" finished handles. Each one will hold about as much as 3 plastic bags would. "Finished" handles means that they are sewn on both sides, and double X stitched to the bag. They are really long, so that you can carry your groceries on your shoulder and be hands-free when going from your car to your front door. Have you ever tried to fumble with your keys while holding plastic or paper bags? No fun! The 3" floor of the bag means that you can put wider items in it, and also it won't fall over when you put it in the car.
-The Planet Bag is what we feel to be the perfect thickness. A thin bag is useless, but a bag too thick is bulky and not really convenient to keep anywhere. The Planet Bag is the perfect balance between sturdy yet lightweight. It will hold up yet not take up too much space when not in use.
So there you have it. Honestly, it's so sad to see so many people going out and buying what they think is so much better for the environment. We wish there was a way to communicate on a huge level that these "green" grocery store bags are not good. Please do tell people and thank you again for using The Planet Bag...or any other good quality cotton bag.

Mar 6, 2007


....mittlerweile.....grauenhaft kalt hier schon fuer 6 wochen..renovation in cobourg und courtice ist im moment etwas langsam, das wetter verursacht auch grauenhafte unfaelle.
Und oben...ein bisschen quatsch in spanish...

Feb 25, 2007

House & Home Scene


Renovierung des Cobourg Haus...

Im Dezember 06 habe ich ein Haus am Lake Ontario in Koburg gekauft. Das wurde 1959 gebaut aber seither wurde da nich viel renoviert.

Sofort neues Dach, nun neue Kueche und so geht das weiter.

Das Haus ist am Strassenende....weiter geht es da nicht, dachte mir vielleicht sollte ich da ein Schild aufhaengen..( witz..)..

Leider war es die letzten paar Wochen sehr kalt ( minus 20C nachts)..und dann noch der Schnee.

Auf der Suedseite des lakes also 40 Km suedlich von meinem Haus in New York State war der Schnee fast 2 meter hoch.

Feb 5, 2007


I am writing about America...the senseless war, Kennedy and other related or unrelated events. Please visit at

Jan 27, 2007


In any case, when I bought another property six years ago I went to a branch of the Bank of America and a mortgage for about 60% of the property value was promptly approved.Payments from my Bank of America current account were arranged and for a time the scheduled monthly payment withdrawal for the mortgage amount worked without a hitch.No problem. Every month end an agreed amount of money was taken from my current account to cover interest and the appropriate principle component as laid out in the mortgage agreement.
For whatever reason which was never explained to me, involving mortgage number changes( an internal bank thing nothing to do with me) the troubles started.The automatic withdrawal did not take place. The bank referred the collection to their collection branch ( Buffalo N.Y.) The situation was resolved , I made a payment by check, from my current account and I was assured that the situation was taken care of.From that point on, time and time again for a pertiod of ten (10) months or more the bank screwed up the automatic withdrawal arrangements. To add insult to insury they also reported me to the credit monitors for failing to pay my mortgage. And when I was finally so fed up that I decided to look for another lender, because of the erroneous reporting by the Bank of America, I had great difficulty to find another reasonable lender.Eventually after I paid off the Bank of America mortgage with money I had to find at geat extra cost I received a an extremely carefully worded apology letter from the bank and I believe they also sent correction notes to the three credit monitoring agencies.
My point here, the Bank of America have caused me a great deal of trouble and expense. All the individual officers, male and female all over the USA which I talked to at one time or another during the 10 months showed a quick grasp and understanding for the situation but somehow it was never resolved until I finally paid this thing off.Bank of America, Higher Standards to me is at best a sick joke. I can not blame any of the individuals I talked to during these trying times . But there obviously is something wrong somewhere or with management of this gigantig bank for their total inability to deal with the problem they created.
As a point of interst, I have never in my lifetime ( now 69 years old) never written a check not covered what I am saying is no N S F ( not sufficient funds ) refused check, ever.I think I deserve better than the kind of standards or treatment received by theBank of America.the bank with Higher Standards. my case, poorly treated by this giant bank...your standards of resolving problems are nothing to brag about...
Bank of AmericaQuestionable Standards