Apr 20, 2009

time moves on...ramblings..

Long gone are the days when I could pick which Porsche I should drive that day...the red one or the white one...
or how much fun I could have with the horses.... at my own horse farm,
or take a walk along the ocean shore at Fort Lauderdale by the Sea and return to my own luxury suite by the ocean or the Oceanside pool. But times change...and yet if we refuse to learn from and understand yesterday it will be hard to anticipate what tomorrow will have in store.

Times change, the economy is down once again and we are looking at an extremely risky depression we somehow ended up in, without the necessary smarts or fortitude to work our way out of it. One can only hope that the new administration in Washington put things back on a positive path.

Which reminds me as to how some events change the world....forever....
Way back when...somebody on a German submarine ( WW1) decided to torpedo a British Passenger ship...the Lusitania...Germany was at war with Britain and France and it was known that English ships were transporting weaponry from the USA. The passenger ship captains were told as well to ram the relatively small German U boats if they stumble upon them. It was generally assumed that unarmed passenger ships would not present a target to be attacked by the Germans. Bad mistake. Someone did sink the Lusitania with a torpedo to the bow..the ship went down with loss of life including many Americans who were on a cruise between the USA and the UK.

It is widely believed that this act dragged the USA ( by 1917) into the war, obviously on the side of France and Britain...and it is quite possible that President Woodrow Wilson, a fine and intelligent gentleman had little choice but to get involved.

Armistice, totally unfair and ridiculous treatment of Germany after 1918, installation of an allied created government ( Weimar Republic) made it possible for this idiot Hitler to eventually gain power...the rest is history. Total defeat of the Germans, rise of communism, iron curtain and attempts by the US to contain communism followed.
Today...the USA is involved in two wars...if one can call it war, with an unseen enemy with reasoning for their action difficult to sort out. And where do we go from here?

...a few words from the writings of:

Brent Herbert:
As for ministers, you are preachers, and so I thought I would drop off a few sermon ideas. If you were preaching to some capitalist you might want to go with the ever useful all purpose sermon, 'repent ye, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.' Other good ideas for sermons would be that psalm, the one that reads, 'we dwell in a strong city, its walls are strong and tall. Open wide the gates and let a righteous people enter.' Or how about, 'My God trains me for battle. I leap over walls.' The possibilities are endless.

Someone might say, 'oh, sure, we stall for time. But what's the point. Why bother. Hopeless, I tell you, hopeless.' My response is that events may very well force those capitalists to create a giant centralized monopoly and then we can worry about democratizing the thing later. And even if that does not happen, well in the words of that anti-drug campaign, you just say no. Let us assume that the proletarians of the country decided, democratically, that they wanted the place democratized, but a handful of capitalists said, 'NO', well then you just say 'NO" to the capitalist. What's so hopeless about that?
...back to my views...:
Question....what's my point? Well,there is no point really...times change indeed and who knows what the near or distant future will bring us or what we all get ourselves into.
At the moment...CNN and the other Yankee networks cover Obama's views and efforts to close the Military facilities in Cuba..of course Chaney ( former Vice) has other opinions and therefore vigorously defends some of the Bush 2 decision of which he was the likely architect.

Apr 12, 2009

April 2009

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Mittlerweile, meine letzte blog posting on worldconcerns.blogpost.com/ is in reference to what happened 1945, at about the end of April and around the end of WWII for Germany and it's European allies...the so called central powers?
You may want to look it up.

For now...I say hallo and until I can think of something useful to contribute, adios...

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