Apr 25, 2012

Lament...armes Pirmasens..usw

  • April 21
    Fred Leis
    • So, I left Pirmasens, my hometown, in 1956.
    •  ....see previous blog article ....I sent a copy of my lament to a few people...but did not expect any comments...people are busy...

    • Sehr geehrter Herr Leis,
      vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht.
      Seit Ihrem letzten Besuch in Pirmasens hat sich doch Einiges in Pirmasens getan.
      Die Konversion (Abzug der US Streitkräfte und wie von Ihnen zutreffend geschildert, Niedergang der Schuhindustrie) haben die Stadt vor große Probleme gestellt.
      Die Stadt musste einen Bevölkerungsrückgang von 60.000 auf 40.000 Einwohner verkraften.
      Als positive Entwicklungen darf ich Ihnen beispielhaft die Entwicklung der Husterhöhe (Fachhochschule, Prüf- und Forschungsinstitut, Ansiedlung von Unternehmen, die rd. 2300 neue, technisch qualifizierte Arbeitsplätze geschaffen haben z.B. Convar) nennen.
      Auch im Bereich Infrastruktur konnten 63 neue Straßen durch das vor 10 Jahren eingeführte System der wiederkehrenden Beiträge ausgebaut und erneuert werden.
      Die ehemalige Schuhfabrik Rheinberger beheimatet heute ein Wissenschaftsmuseum, das Dynamikum und zahlreiche Dienstleister. Der Strecktalpark wurde als Naherholungszentrum angelegt. Der Umbau der alten Post zum modernen Museums- und Kulturzentrum wird bald abgeschlossen sein.
      Der Bau einer Einkaufsgalerie im Bereich der Fußgängerzone/Bahnhofstraße ist zur Zeit in Planung.
      Die hohe Schuldenlast, bedingt durch die von Bund und Land auferlegten sozialen Leistungspflichten (Kosten der Unterkunft) soll in den kommenden 15 Jahren durch Einsparungen im Rahmen des sog. "Entschuldungsfonds" im Bereich der Liquiditätskredite abgebaut werden.
      Der "Pakt für Pirmasens" wurde ins Leben gerufen, um insbesondere sozial benachteiligte Kinder und Jugendliche durch Spenden finanzierte Fördermaßnahmen zu unterstützen.

    • Dear Susanne Krekeler: I  want to thank you for your kind and informative note, a response to a general Zettelkasten-pruduction which I apparently, unsolicited sent to you. I will, if that's okay with you post your wonderful and beautifully constructed letter on my Pirmasens blog.I am pleased and happy to learn that things are improving in Pirmasens and I'm glad to learn that there are people like you who care.Best Regards, Fred Leis ( Manfred Leis) einst von Pirmasens

    • Hallo Herr Leis,
      meine Nachricht können Sie natürlich gerne für Ihren Blog verwenden.
      Schöne Grüße

      Susanne Krekeler

Apr 22, 2012

Manfred, alter Pirmasenser...draussen


Pirmasens, Metropole der deutschen Schuhindustrie und internationale Messestadt, liegt im Südwesten von Rheinland-Pfalz am Eingang zum Naturpark Pfälzer Wald, dem größten zusammenhängenden Waldgebiet der Bundesrepublik: Pirmasens ist Sitz der Deutschen Schuhfachschule, des Prüf- und Forschungsinstitutes für die Schuhherstellung und Ausbildungszentrum für Fachleute des Fremdenverkehrs. Verkehrsanbindungen: A 8 aus Richtung Saarbrücken, A 62 aus Richtung Trier/Koblenz, B 10 aus Richtung Karlsruhe,
B 270 aus Richtung Kaiserslautern. Verkehrslandesplatz Pirmasens-Zweibrücken.

Apr 21, 2012

Pirmasens.... blog takeover...

So, I left Pirmasens, my hometown, in 1956. In fact when I think about it I actually spent one year in Speyer, then came back to the Horebstadt and subsequently left for Canada.
I have  lived in Ontario pretty well ever since, became a Canadian in 1967 ( our Centennial year) eventually obtained the famous American Green card, spent a bit of time in the USA but returned to Canada, Toronto area mostly,ran a business and lived in the same home for about 24 years.

I've been back to Germany on trips and visits but my last look at Pirmasens  was  over 20 years ago shortly after the Mauer went down.
The question is...so what am I doing writing a pirmasens blog, I really have no business doing that nor any connections there I can employ  and therefore in all fairness should be looking for someone to help me take this over and make some sense out of this thing, preferably in german.

In some way Pirmasens is almost a microcosm of what's happening to many areas of the world. The richy get richer or sell out to retire, the poor are left for  the government to look after or fend for themselves and aside from that other new elements take over, some good..some not so great. As far as I can tell Pirmasens has long lost it's base, it's industry, the production of quality footwaer and the machinery to make this stuff as well as the related supply industry. Places like that in Northamerica would become ghost-towns but even that possibility was no answer to the pirmasens dilemma because, after all germany is a relatively small country, densly populated and therefore to some degree the area appears to have become the dumping ground of surplus unutilised population.

Is this a fair assessement or just bullshit? I read a while ago in a mainstream german paper that Pirmasens was the poorest place in Germany..this judgement even included the former east Germany..die Zone, where life and living standards apparently are better than in my old hometown.

In the early 50's down the street from our house ( a Landgraf Ludwig Grenadier home leftover) there was a lage factory  Rheinberger....apparently the largest shoefactory in the world...long gone. The Machinery makers as well sold out to China I hear, most of the industry related to shoes and leather is gone.

My  E mail is leisfred@hotmail.com  if you care to contribute to this blog or take it over for the benefit of Pirmasens and it's inhabitants I would look foward to it.

Brasilien... a bric nation

Achuar Delegierten
from my e mail ,
Liebe Freunde,
Like you, I am deeply concerned about the state of our planet.
Wie Sie bin ich zutiefst besorgt über (was) den Zustand  unseres Planeten betrifft.
The Amazon Rainforest, one of the most vital mechanisms in the regulation of our global climate, is a critical area of concern.
Der Amazonas-Regenwald, einer der wichtigsten Mechanismen bei der Regulation unseres globalen Klimas, ist ein kritischer Bereich des Interesses.
With your help, Amazon Watch is working diligently with our indigenous partners to preserve this tremendous natural resource.
Mit Ihrer Hilfe wird Amazon Watch arbeitet fleißig mit unseren einheimischen Partnern, um diese gewaltigen natürlichen Ressourcen zu bewahren.

Yet protecting the rainforest is but one important element in the global movement to create a more sustainable world. Doch den Schutz des Regenwaldes ist aber ein wichtiges Element in der globalen Bewegung, um eine nachhaltigere Welt zu schaffen.

The Spring of Sustainability (March 26th to June 22nd) is a series of presentations by The Shift Network designed to foster greater understanding of global sustainability and inspire large-scale shifts in appropriate, necessary action. Der Frühling der Nachhaltigkeit (März 26 - Juni 22) ist eine Reihe von Präsentationen von der Shift-Netz bestimmt zu einem besseren Verständnis von Nachhaltigkeit und globaler großen Verschiebungen in der INSPIRE geeignet, erforderlich Handeln zu fördern. More than 100 sustainability pioneers will be presenting at this FREE online series of events, and we're proud to be co-sponsors. Mehr als 100 Pioniere der Nachhaltigkeit wird bei diesem kostenlosen Online-Reihe von Veranstaltungen präsentiert, und wir sind stolz darauf, Co-Sponsoren sein.

Get all the details and sign up for free here. Holen Sie sich alle Details und melden Sie sich kostenlos hier.

The Spring of Sustainability is your chance to participate in a virtual event of truly global proportions, with tens of thousands of change-makers with shared passion for a sustainable future. Die Frühjahrstagung der Nachhaltigkeit ist Ihre Chance, in einer virtuellen Veranstaltung von wahrhaft globalem Ausmaß, mit Zehntausenden von Change-Maker mit gemeinsamen Leidenschaft für eine nachhaltige Zukunft zu beteiligen.

If you'd like to... Wenn Sie möchten, um ...

  • Transform fear and frustration into hope and actions you can contribute directly to creating a sustainable world for all beings Verwandeln Sie Angst und Frustration in der Hoffnung und Aktionen können Sie einen direkten Beitrag zur Schaffung einer nachhaltigen Welt für alle Wesen
  • Learn fun, inspiring ways you can engage your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers to build a community that puts sustainability first Erfahren Sie Spaß, inspirierende Möglichkeiten, wie Sie Ihre Familie eingreifen kann, Freunden, Nachbarn und Kollegen, eine Gemeinschaft, die Nachhaltigkeit an erster Stelle bauen
  • Discover why new systems rooted in justice and sustainability consciousness are the only viable solution for our planet Entdecken Sie, warum neue Systeme in Gerechtigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit Bewusstsein verwurzelt die einzige lebensfähige Lösung für unseren Planeten sind
  • Network and collaborate with other passionate people and organizations on sustainable initiatives – and help create a thriving planet Netzwerk und mit anderen engagierten Menschen und Organisationen auf nachhaltige Initiativen zusammenarbeiten - und dazu beitragen, eine blühende Planeten

Then please find out more about how you can join this movement at the Spring of Sustainability. Dann melden Sie mehr darüber, wie Sie diese Bewegung auf der Frühjahrstagung der Nachhaltigkeit zu verbinden.

Remember, the Spring of Sustainability is completely FREE, and it's designed to empower all of us to create a greener, more sustainable future. Register here. Denken Sie daran, der Frühling der Nachhaltigkeit völlig frei, und es ist zu ermächtigen uns alle, eine grünere und nachhaltigere Zukunft zu schaffen. Registrieren Sie sich hier.

Apr 15, 2012


Modern Genocides Rooted in Past Cover-Ups

Author Cites 1945 Slaughter of German Women, Children

In 10 countries, men, women and children are being killed as part of systematic “genocide, ‘politicide’ or mass atrocities,” according to Genocide Watch’s recently updated list.
In Syria, pro-democracy protesters and civilian bystanders are being bombed, shot and starved by their government’s security forces; in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 3 to 5 million civilians, mostly women and girls, have been raped and murdered; and in North Korea, labor camps house 500,000 domestic and political prisoners, and non-party members are starved and undergo forced abortions.
“Many people don’t realize that genocide is occurring every day all over the world,” says Renata Reinhart, author of In the Course of My Life (www.rexvita.com), an account of the little-known Soviet genocide of 2 million Eastern Germans in 1945, committed with the complicity of England and the United States.
“It’s something we should all be deeply concerned about – any of us can become the next victims,” Reinhart says.
One hallmark of genocide is that the perpetrators deny it, says Dr. Gregory Stanton, president of Genocide Watch and the International Association of Genocide Scholars. They use tactics such as questioning and minimizing the statistics; blaming renegade forces; claiming self-defense; and/or claiming deaths were inadvertent and not intentional.
Allowing the killers to deny the massacres ensures future slaughters, Stanton says.
“Studies by genocide scholars prove that the single best predictor of future genocide is denial of a past genocide coupled with impunity for its perpetrators,” he says. “Genocide deniers are three times more likely to commit genocide again than other governments.”
In the case of the 1945 ethnic cleansing of Eastern Germany, Russian soldiers were given license to launch a “Revenge without Mercy” on the civilian populations of East Prussia, Silesia, Pomerania and other parts of Eastern Europe, Reinhart says.
“It’s documented; it’s just been ignored, concealed and forgotten,” she says, noting Nobel Prize-winner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, a captain in the Red Army who witnessed the atrocities and recounted them in his poem, “Prussian Nights.” A survivor of the slaughter, Margot Serowy, tells her story in paintings at MargotSoweryFineArt.com.
Anticipating Germany’s defeat in World War II, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin considered the territories he would eventually claim and decided they should be cleared of all Germans, Reinhart says. Soldiers in the Red Army were encouraged to burn, loot, pillage, rape and kill to drive the Germans out of those areas beginning in January 1945.
“England’s prime minister, Winston Churchill, was informed of the plan and referred to it – approvingly – in 1944 as ‘these population tranferences,’ ’’ Reinhart says. “Churchill personally ordered the massive bombing and destruction of East Prussia’s capital Konigsberg for no justifiable strategic reason and a few months later, the British bombed and leveled Dresden, killing 30.000 to 40.000 civilians. These attacks helped pave the way for Stalin’s genocide.”
The “revenge” soldiers, she added, were supplied with food, trucks, Jeeps and other vehicles by the United States.
“Because the victims were German, it was all right to rape children and murder women. No one tried to stop it,” Reinhart says. “And, apparently, it’s all right to kill men, women and children in Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Burma – the rest of the countries on the Genocide Watch list.
“We need to hold the perpetrators accountable. That’s the first step to stopping these atrocities.”

Renata Reinhart is the pen name of the author, a scholar of World War II history who spent years researching the Red Army’s march across Eastern Europe in 1945. While the book is fictionalized as a memoir, the historical elements are accurate and based on numerous documented sources.
If you would like to run the above article, please feel free to do so. Please let me know if you’d be interested in receiving a copy of the book, In the Course of My Life, for possible review.
Ginny Grimsley
National Print Campaign Manager
News and Experts
3748 Turman Loop #101
Wesley Chapel, FL 33544