May 1, 2012

Schweinerei und Massenmord..

Honestly, I'm not looking for this stuff. And oddly enough while you would expect that Germans of several generations would finally rise up and at least talk about these outrages, I must give the credit to others...Canadians, some Americans, a few Brits, a handful of international humanists who simply state that certain facts schould no longer be buried and forgotten. of many stories brought to my attention recently:

Think You Know World Word II?
The Unknown Brutality & Savagery

In 10 countries, men, women and children are being killed as part of systematic“genocide, ‘politicide’ or mass atrocities,” according to Genocide Watch’s recently updated list.
In Syria, pro-democracy protesters and civilian bystanders are being bombed, shot and starved by their government’s security forces; in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 3 to 5 million civilians, mostly women and girls, have been raped and murdered; and in North Korea, labor camps house 500,000 domestic and political prisoners, and non-party members are starved and undergo forced abortions.
“Many people don’t realize that genocide is occurring every day all over the world,”says Renata Reinhart, author of In the Course of My Life (, an account of the little-known Soviet genocide of 2 million Eastern Germans in 1945, committed with the complicity of England and the United States.
“It’s something we should all be deeply concerned about – any of us can become the next victims,” Reinhart says.
One hallmark of genocide is that the perpetrators deny it, says Dr. Gregory Stanton, president of Genocide Watch and the International Association of Genocide Scholars. They use tactics such as questioning and minimizing the statistics; blaming renegade forces; claiming self-defense; and/or claiming deaths were inadvertent and not intentional.
Allowing the killers to deny the massacres ensures future slaughters, Stanton says.
“Studies by genocide scholars prove that the single best predictor of future genocide is denial of a past genocide coupled with impunity for its perpetrators,” he says.“Genocide deniers are three times more likely to commit genocide again than other governments.”
In the case of the 1945 ethnic cleansing of Eastern Germany, Russian soldiers were given license to launch a “Revenge without Mercy” on the civilian populations of East Prussia, Silesia, Pomerania and other parts of Eastern Europe, Reinhart says.
“It’s documented; it’s just been ignored, concealed and forgotten,” she says, noting Nobel Prize-winner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, a captain in the Red Army who witnessed the atrocities and recounted them in his poem, “Prussian Nights.” A survivor of the slaughter, Margot Serowy, tells her story in paintings at
Anticipating Germany’s defeat in World War II, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin considered the territories he would eventually claim and decided they should be cleared of all Germans, Reinhart says. Soldiers in the Red Army were encouraged to burn, loot, pillage, rape and kill to drive the Germans out of those areas beginning in January 1945.
“England’s prime minister, Winston Churchill, was informed of the plan and referred to it– approvingly – in 1944 as ‘these population transferences,’ ’’ Reinhart says. “Churchill personally ordered the massive bombing and destruction of East Prussia’s capital Konigsberg for no justifiable strategic reason and a few months later, the British bombed and leveled Dresden, killing 30.000 to 40.000 civilians. These attacks helped pave the way for Stalin’s genocide.”
The“revenge” soldiers, she added, were supplied with food, trucks, Jeeps and other vehicles by the United States.
“Because the victims were German, it was all right to rape children and murder women. No one tried to stop it,” Reinhart says. “And, apparently, it’s all right to kill men, women and children in Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Burma – the rest of the countries on the Genocide Watch list.
“We need to hold the perpetrators accountable. That’s the first step to stopping these atrocities.”

Renata Reinhart is the pen name of the author, a scholar of World War II history who spent years researching the Red Army’s march across Eastern Europe in 1945. While the book is fictionalized as a memoir, the historical elements are accurate and based on numerous documented sources.
If you would like to run the above article, please feel free to do so. Please let me know if you’d be interested in receiving a copy of the book, In the Course of My Life, for possible review.
Ginny Grimsley
National Print Campaign Manager
News and Experts
3748 Turman Loop #101
Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
Tel: 727-443-7115, Extension 207

The Beginning of the End…
During WWII, after Hitler lost the battle of Stalingrad in late 1942 early 1943, and after the Germans subsequently lost the battle of Kursk in 1943, the Russians knew they could start to anticipate eventual and inevitable victory. It would still take two years of grinding struggling and fighting, but the Russians could be confident Germany would never win what had become a war of attrition. With that in mind, Stalin started to formulate his thoughts on how he wanted the territories the Russians would eventually control to be governed and administered.
Continue reading the synopsis below...

Already at an early stage, Stalin had reached a conviction; Russia should take complete possession of Germany’s ancient eastern provinces: specifically East Prussia, Silesia, Pomerania and possibly other parts as well.
He did not want merely to control or occupy these lands; he wanted them cleared of Germans in totality. He wanted absolute and complete certainty that Germans would never live there again. He wanted outright and unconditional ethnic cleansing, which would involve a total of some 15-million Germans throughout all of Eastern Europe.
By 1944, Stalin had decided on this course of action. Complete planning and preparations were under way. At least one of the western allies had been informed ethnic cleansing was intended. Churchill was quoted in 1944, making reference to “these population transferences” – his euphemism – of which he voiced approval at the time.
The Plan was very simple. East Prussia and Silesia would be attacked and overrun with such numerically superior forces that no functional or conceivable German defense would be possible. Once the territories had been taken, the population would be chased off mercilessly by any means necessary.
Stalin knew exactly how he was going to do it. From the earliest point of his thinking about Germany’s eastern provinces, the common soldiers had been goaded and incited with the promise, and subsequently instructed, to “Take Revenge without Mercy.” That became the rallying cry for the Red Army all through 1944 and it was repeated ad nauseum in all military propaganda, the army newspapers, on radio, even on posters, flyers and large signs.
Soviet propagandists and political officers attached to the army spelled out in careful detail to the soldiers exactly what “Revenge without Mercy” meant: ethnic cleansing, these provinces were to be cleared of Germans regardless of the means necessary to attain this objective.