Aug 12, 2006

Fraud ......Betrug...

Und wieder muss ich hier erklaeren dass mein hiermit geschreibe nicht viel mit Pirmasens zu tun hat, es ist in Deutsch ( sort of).

Ich habe einen blog in english der sich mit Welt Problemen abgeben soll. Leider kann ich nicht viel tun ausser meinen eigenen Gedanken etwas Luft zu geben.

Krieg und Huenerflu, Hurricanes, Erdbeben,Fluten, Hunger, und all das was uns Kummer bereited ist aus meinen Haenden.

Worueber ich mich nun aufregen kann ist Betrug oder in English, Fraud.

You have received a letter informing you of a large sum of money that could
come your way: a business opportunity, a request for assistance in a
financial transaction, or perhaps even an inheritance.

Einen Brief erhalten? Informiert dass man viel Geld erwarten kann:Geschaeft, oder Erbe?

Did the offer come out of the blue from a total stranger?
Don't take offence at this, but 'Why you?' No-one with a big financial
deal in the offing is going to contact a stranger on the internet. I
wouldn't. You wouldn't. They wouldn't. If the offer is for lots, possibly
millions, of dollars and you don't know the person making the offer...

Kam das aus dem blauen Himmel? Von einem Totalfremden? Warum Sie? Keiner mit grossen finanziellen Moeglichkeiten geht zu total Fremden am Internet. Wuerdest Du das tun? Ich nicht . Sie auch nicht. Wenn das ein Millionendollar-angebot ist und du kennst diese Leute nicht...Betrug...

Did the offer come by email or fax?
More importantly, did it come addressed to the 'contractor',
'beneficiary', 'director' etc? Any legitimate offer would come to your mail
address, would come from a legitimate company, would be addressed to you by
name. If the offer did not know your name and postal address...
...then it is a scam.

Fax oder E Mail Kontakt Adresse? Lieber Freund!

Did the offer come with a contact email address that is from a public
email provider?
I don't care what the excuse, the Director of the Reserve Bank of Nigeria
will not be using a Hotmail account. Mind you, the scammers are getting more
clever and you are likely to get email addresses from or If the contact email is from a public email provider...
Is it going to cost you money up front?
I am not talking phone calls and bus fares here. Normal business procedure
is to adjust any financial settlement for costs incurred in the transaction.
If it is going to cost you a sizeable chunk of money and it cannot be offset
againt the money on offer...

Is it legal? Are you being asked to assist in a crime?
Think carefully about the offer presented to you. Are you supposed to
pretend to be someone you are not, to collect an inheritance or an unclaimed
bank balance? Are you supposed to bill someone for something that you did
not do in order to claim money that you never earned? Does it involve
someone being over invoiced to create a 'fund'? If it seems to be based on
an illegal operation...
...then it is a scam.

dann ist das bestimmt Betrugsversuch...