Jan 31, 2010

Americans; Superhero or Criminals..

Please don't get me wrong...it's not that I dislike the Chancellor... Mrs. Merkel; or the fact that she is a female...nothing like that whatsoever I assure you.
What truly bothers me is the ignorance of historical facts and the total sucking up to the Americans.
And again...I am not anti American, not at all but why is it wrong to disagree with the crimes committed by the US administration...like Truman, or Bush II or those associated with the rulers of the USA who clearly committed crimes against humanity.

I have lived in North america for over 50 years. I own a nice home in Florida. That should not mean that when the German Chancellor talks about the USA and uses vocabulary like unsere Befreier, translate our liberators...that I have to buy this crap and agree with it.

The war with Germany was just about over, the country, Germany more than 85% destroyed when Churchill decided on one more act of total revenge. Dresden. This beautiful city was filled with fleeing women and children, who were heading west from the Russian and Polish regions, there was no significant military value in or about Dresden, when it was decided to totally destroy this place and kill, burn to death somewhere between 1/4 and 1/2 million innocent civilians and refugees.

You have to be an idiot to consider this stupid act as anything anywhere describing liberation.; it was nothing short of mass murder..please Frau Merkel...study the history..And while you're at it look at Nagasaki and Hiroshima..and the Truman revenge connection.
DEUTSCH: re obiges...
Ich wollte unbedingt meine Gedanken schnell loswerden...schon seit geraumer Weile hat es mich veraergert dass Frau Merkel mit ihrer Rede im Amerikanischen Kongress von unsere Befreier ( die Amerikaner) quasselte...Befreier von wem?...Hitler? den Russen?> irgendwie hat mich ihr Gequatsche boese gemacht...

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