Mar 24, 2010

Deutschland...1. 2. 3. Reich erklaert...

The First Reich
(962?) 800-1806) was the Holy Roman Empire, which included modern day Germany, Austria, the Czech lands, Northern Italy, and various other territories. Already in the Middle Ages it consisted of several almost independent states, often at war with one another. After the Reformation the authority of the Emperor was further weakened. It was often said that it was "neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire."

Charles the Great was crowned christmas 800 in Rome.
Charlemagne or Kaiser Karl as the Germans preferred to call him started this Empire but after his death it slowly fell apart as one unit or country. Charles the Great; Son of Pepin, King of the Franks,768-814.

....und dann liebe Kinder...1000 Jahre vergingen, die Pest und der 30 Jaehrige Krieg.....and about 1000 years later, after the 30 year war and death throug pest of about 2/3 of the people in the german lands....

1860s Napoleon Bonaparte defeated Prussia and Prussia was reduced to less than half it's size...


...1870, France under Napoleon the third, lost the war against Prussia
leading to the formation of the Grossdeutsche Reich, which included Elsass and Lothringen of France as well as large areas in the east and components of land formerly closer to Danmark ( Schleswig Holstein).

The Second Reich
was Imperial Germany (1871-1918), as unified by Bismarck.
Napoleon Bonaparte just about destroyed the former Germany called Prussia. Napoleon the 3rd. much later lost yet another war against Prussia in 1870 and along with it the regions of Alsace and Lorraine. The French considered this unfinished business and after WW1 promptly reclaimed these lands. ( Metz,Strassbourg Etc.)..

The Third Reich

was Nazi Germany (1933-45).
The Third Reich was the region pieced together by Adolf Hitlers Dictatorship Regime,it also included Austria. The period ended in total destruction of Germany mostly by the Americans through carpet bombardment of the entire country far beyond military targets,( so called allied forces, British and their former colonial support, Canada Australia New Zealand etc).
Massive financial and material support by the USA rebuilt the Russian forces under dictator Stalin of the communist USSR. The end of the war resulted in mass starvation of the German population from 1945 to 1948, the country was split into American,British,French and Russian Zones exploited by these so called allies.

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