Oct 1, 2010

9,800 tonnen gold....tons of gold...

A brief but interesting item on the news here yesterday....apparently, Germany just paid off the last of the world war 1 debts, an amount set by the then allies who were at war with the Reich from 1914 til 1918. War broke out in 1914, lasted until 1918 and the settlement conditions were imposed on the new German Republic ( so called Weimar Republic) in 1922.

The amount set by the so called victors, mostly France and Britain amounted to trillions of Gold marks or dollars...the equivalent of 9,800 tons of gold. After over 90 years, apparently Germany just paid off the last part of this horrendous assessment.

I just wanted to get this written down, it is important to comment on it and I will translate this into German as well.

It must be remembered that four years after the end of WW1, the so called victors imposed this on Germany. Also, this war was not won or lost, there was an armistice but it also was the end of the so called golden years for Germany, lasting from 1871 when Germany was created until 1918, the end of WW I and the turmoil that followed.

I usually like to supply a picture with my notes, this shows a charge by Prussian soldiers...the Prussians beat the French ( Napoleon 3rd.) and Germany was created out of hundreds of bits and pieces of German speaking duchies and communities, miniature bits and pieces of what once was supposed to have been the holy roman empire of German nations.....which was never holy or roman, or for that matter much of an empire.
French provinces or territories, Elsass and Lothringen became part of the newly created German Reich.. (Bismarck pieced this together).

..The largest original component was the Kingdom of Prussia..

...an ounce of gold in today's market sells for between 1200 and 1300 Dollars...I believe an ounce is equal to 35 grammes...1000 grammes per kilogram or 1,000- Kilogrammes per ton (2,000 pounds per ton or is it 2240#)...you do the math...it's horrendous.

The picture shows a charge by Prussia..note the cannonballs...

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