Oct 22, 2012

Noch ein Gedicht

Ein Gedicht von Lasse, Lars Dahn

Einstmals geriet ein Teddybär
Zufällig in die Wäsche,
Er wurde schneeweißrabenschwarz
Und das war seine Schwäche.

Nun sieht es aus
Als gäb's ihn nicht
Und dass er nur bestände
Aus Ohren, Auge, Nase wohl
Und Arme, Bein' und Hände...

Oct 5, 2012

Whitewash oder wahrheit?


Die Konzentrationslager

Die KZ waren G e f ä n g n i s s e. Sie waren den geschlossenen Gefängnisanstalten und Strafanstalten mit ihren begrenzten Raumverhältnissen und beengenden Mauern weit vorzuziehen. Trotzdem blieben sie als Gefängnisse ihrem Wesen, ihrer Natur und Bestimmung nach unangenehme, von der Außenwelt streng abgeschlossene Zwangsaufenthalte, in denen mit Strenge und Zwang Zucht und Ordnung unter den widerstrebenden und widerwilligen, meist asozialen Häftlingen aufrechterhalten werden mußte.

Weit mehr als 80 Prozent der KZ-Insassen waren kriminelle Häftlinge oft übelster Art; es ist unvernünftig und widersinnig, von Gefängnisinsassen ein Loblied Über ihre Aufenthaltsorte zu erwarten.

Gefängnisse, mögen sie noch so geordnet sein, sind immer unbeliebt und verhaßt, sie sind immer ein hart und schmerzhaft empfundener Entzug des köstlichsten menschlichen Gutes: der Freiheit; je asozialer die Häftlinge, um so härter und ärger mußte der Druck und Zwang der Zucht sein.

Die Wahrheit über die deutschen Konzentrationslager

In fast allen Ländern der Erde gab es und gibt es Konzentrationslager. Wir Deutsche verstehen nicht, warum man gerade nur uns deswegen so unerbittlich anklagt und verfolgt. Dabei waren und sind heute noch die KZ der anderen in vielen Belangen - vor allem hinsichtlich Einrichtung und Behandlung, der Ordnung und Disziplin -mit deutschen Lagern gar nicht zu vergleichen. Ich bin der Meinung, daß der Strafvollzug im KZ jenem in geschlossenen Strafanstalten und Gefängnissen weitaus vorzuziehen ist. jedenfalls hat kein Volk der Erde, das selbst KZ hatte oder gar heute noch hat, die Legitimation, sich zum Richter über das deutsche Volk aufzuwerfen.

Dazu kommt noch eins: Nach den übereinstimmenden Berichten früherer KZ-Insassen war die Unterbringung, Verpflegung und Behandlung im allgemeinen ordentlich; wenn und soweit es Klagen gab, richten sich diese hauptsächlich und in der Regel gegen die Häftlingsfunktionäre. Die Greuelmeldungen sind fast ausnahmslos Lügen oder Übertreibungen und unberechtigte Verallgemeinerungen.

Sep 12, 2012

The Euro Thing...

Man vergleicht the bailing out of the delinqent countries to an english robin hood situation, apparently the whole thing is revenue neutral...es kostet niemanden etwas, alles ist innerhalb des euro...
In Robin Hood.....man nimmt von den Reichen und gibt es den Armen...die dusseligen Deutschen werden wieder mal geprellt...

Jun 18, 2012


Irgendwann....vor Jahren habe ich dann mal behaupted dass Deutsch zum Grossteil  durch Luther und die Brueder Grimm gefoerdert wurde. Stimmt zum Teil, doch hat der rechtwissende Schreiberling das viel besser beschrieben als ich...Jedenfalls, hier nochmal:

Der Luther, der Goethe und die Brüder Grimm. - Nun - wenn
das alles wäre, dann wäre es weniger als Nichts. Deutsch
ist sehr viel älter. Älter als Französisch oder gar Englisch.
Seit dem Herrn Gensfleisch, der sich nachher Gutenberg nannte,
wird deutsch gedruckt, deutsch geschrieben wurde schon etwas
früher. Sehr viel früher. Bis etwa 1200 war Latein die
Lingua Universalis in Europa. Jeder Bauer sprach Latein. Die
Menschen in den Städten sowieso. Dazu gab es regionale Sprachen.
Fast alle regionalen Sprachen sind ausgestorben. Dialekte
haben überlebt. - Als das Mittelalter zu Ende ging, da war es
auch mit dem Latein am Ende. Nationalstaaten tauchten auf.
England. Spanien. Portugal. Frankreich. Schweden. Russland.
Deutschland tauchte 1871 auf. Dies war dann das 2.Reich. Das
Heilige Römische Reich Teutscher Nation (1.Reich) bestand seit
Karl dem Großen (Krönung 800) tausend Jahre lang und wurde
erst von Napoleon liquidiert. Kaiser Karl sprach kein Deutsch.
Die Verbreitung des Heils war ihm wichtig. Seine Vorstellungen
waren Europäisch.

Von kurzen Unterbrechungen abgesehen (Okupation der Reststaaten
durch Preußen. Nazizeit und Hitlerismus) war Deutschland niemals
ein Nationalstaat. Ist es auch heute nicht. Deutschland ist ein
Staatenbund mit mehreren Freistaaten, Bundesländern und Stadtstaaten.
Es sind hier Zustände, die von Regionalisten in ganz Europa erträumt
werden (Basken, Bretonen, Schotten, Waliser...)!

Genau genommen hat es Deutschland nie gegeben. Ein Traum wirrer
Hirne. Es gibt Schwaben, Rheinhessen, Sauerländer, Bayern, Berliner
und neuerdings wieder Sachsen usw. Diese Leute können sich in deutscher
Sprache verständigen. Die in deutscher Sprache parlierenden Schweizer
sind keine Deutschen, obschon sie Deutsch reden, lesen, schreiben und
verstehen. Das gilt auch für Österreich.

Jun 15, 2012

Nein.....noch nicht....

...ja nun...tat schon ein paar Leuten leid....doch nein, ich bin noch da...
ein Doppelgaenger wohl...stel;lt Euch mal sowas vor...

Fred Leis

Passed away on February 5, 2012 at the Kamsack Hospital.  A funeral service was held on Thursday, February 23  from the chapel of Andrychuk Funeral Home.  Interment followed at the Lutheran Cemetery in Runnymede.

 famous writer, Mark Twain....the news of my demise is slightly exaggerated...

May 1, 2012

Schweinerei und Massenmord..

Honestly, I'm not looking for this stuff. And oddly enough while you would expect that Germans of several generations would finally rise up and at least talk about these outrages, I must give the credit to others...Canadians, some Americans, a few Brits, a handful of international humanists who simply state that certain facts schould no longer be buried and forgotten. Here...one of many stories brought to my attention recently:

Think You Know World Word II?
The Unknown Brutality & Savagery

In 10 countries, men, women and children are being killed as part of systematic“genocide, ‘politicide’ or mass atrocities,” according to Genocide Watch’s recently updated list.
In Syria, pro-democracy protesters and civilian bystanders are being bombed, shot and starved by their government’s security forces; in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 3 to 5 million civilians, mostly women and girls, have been raped and murdered; and in North Korea, labor camps house 500,000 domestic and political prisoners, and non-party members are starved and undergo forced abortions.
“Many people don’t realize that genocide is occurring every day all over the world,”says Renata Reinhart, author of In the Course of My Life (www.rexvita.com), an account of the little-known Soviet genocide of 2 million Eastern Germans in 1945, committed with the complicity of England and the United States.
“It’s something we should all be deeply concerned about – any of us can become the next victims,” Reinhart says.
One hallmark of genocide is that the perpetrators deny it, says Dr. Gregory Stanton, president of Genocide Watch and the International Association of Genocide Scholars. They use tactics such as questioning and minimizing the statistics; blaming renegade forces; claiming self-defense; and/or claiming deaths were inadvertent and not intentional.
Allowing the killers to deny the massacres ensures future slaughters, Stanton says.
“Studies by genocide scholars prove that the single best predictor of future genocide is denial of a past genocide coupled with impunity for its perpetrators,” he says.“Genocide deniers are three times more likely to commit genocide again than other governments.”
In the case of the 1945 ethnic cleansing of Eastern Germany, Russian soldiers were given license to launch a “Revenge without Mercy” on the civilian populations of East Prussia, Silesia, Pomerania and other parts of Eastern Europe, Reinhart says.
“It’s documented; it’s just been ignored, concealed and forgotten,” she says, noting Nobel Prize-winner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, a captain in the Red Army who witnessed the atrocities and recounted them in his poem, “Prussian Nights.” A survivor of the slaughter, Margot Serowy, tells her story in paintings at MargotSoweryFineArt.com.
Anticipating Germany’s defeat in World War II, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin considered the territories he would eventually claim and decided they should be cleared of all Germans, Reinhart says. Soldiers in the Red Army were encouraged to burn, loot, pillage, rape and kill to drive the Germans out of those areas beginning in January 1945.
“England’s prime minister, Winston Churchill, was informed of the plan and referred to it– approvingly – in 1944 as ‘these population transferences,’ ’’ Reinhart says. “Churchill personally ordered the massive bombing and destruction of East Prussia’s capital Konigsberg for no justifiable strategic reason and a few months later, the British bombed and leveled Dresden, killing 30.000 to 40.000 civilians. These attacks helped pave the way for Stalin’s genocide.”
The“revenge” soldiers, she added, were supplied with food, trucks, Jeeps and other vehicles by the United States.
“Because the victims were German, it was all right to rape children and murder women. No one tried to stop it,” Reinhart says. “And, apparently, it’s all right to kill men, women and children in Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Burma – the rest of the countries on the Genocide Watch list.
“We need to hold the perpetrators accountable. That’s the first step to stopping these atrocities.”

Renata Reinhart is the pen name of the author, a scholar of World War II history who spent years researching the Red Army’s march across Eastern Europe in 1945. While the book is fictionalized as a memoir, the historical elements are accurate and based on numerous documented sources.
If you would like to run the above article, please feel free to do so. Please let me know if you’d be interested in receiving a copy of the book, In the Course of My Life, for possible review.
Ginny Grimsley
National Print Campaign Manager
News and Experts
3748 Turman Loop #101
Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
Tel: 727-443-7115, Extension 207

The Beginning of the End…
During WWII, after Hitler lost the battle of Stalingrad in late 1942 early 1943, and after the Germans subsequently lost the battle of Kursk in 1943, the Russians knew they could start to anticipate eventual and inevitable victory. It would still take two years of grinding struggling and fighting, but the Russians could be confident Germany would never win what had become a war of attrition. With that in mind, Stalin started to formulate his thoughts on how he wanted the territories the Russians would eventually control to be governed and administered.
Continue reading the synopsis below...

Already at an early stage, Stalin had reached a conviction; Russia should take complete possession of Germany’s ancient eastern provinces: specifically East Prussia, Silesia, Pomerania and possibly other parts as well.
He did not want merely to control or occupy these lands; he wanted them cleared of Germans in totality. He wanted absolute and complete certainty that Germans would never live there again. He wanted outright and unconditional ethnic cleansing, which would involve a total of some 15-million Germans throughout all of Eastern Europe.
By 1944, Stalin had decided on this course of action. Complete planning and preparations were under way. At least one of the western allies had been informed ethnic cleansing was intended. Churchill was quoted in 1944, making reference to “these population transferences” – his euphemism – of which he voiced approval at the time.
The Plan was very simple. East Prussia and Silesia would be attacked and overrun with such numerically superior forces that no functional or conceivable German defense would be possible. Once the territories had been taken, the population would be chased off mercilessly by any means necessary.
Stalin knew exactly how he was going to do it. From the earliest point of his thinking about Germany’s eastern provinces, the common soldiers had been goaded and incited with the promise, and subsequently instructed, to “Take Revenge without Mercy.” That became the rallying cry for the Red Army all through 1944 and it was repeated ad nauseum in all military propaganda, the army newspapers, on radio, even on posters, flyers and large signs.
Soviet propagandists and political officers attached to the army spelled out in careful detail to the soldiers exactly what “Revenge without Mercy” meant: ethnic cleansing, these provinces were to be cleared of Germans regardless of the means necessary to attain this objective.

Apr 25, 2012

Lament...armes Pirmasens..usw

  • April 21
    Fred Leis
    • So, I left Pirmasens, my hometown, in 1956.
    •  ....see previous blog article ....I sent a copy of my lament to a few people...but did not expect any comments...people are busy...

    • Sehr geehrter Herr Leis,
      vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht.
      Seit Ihrem letzten Besuch in Pirmasens hat sich doch Einiges in Pirmasens getan.
      Die Konversion (Abzug der US Streitkräfte und wie von Ihnen zutreffend geschildert, Niedergang der Schuhindustrie) haben die Stadt vor große Probleme gestellt.
      Die Stadt musste einen Bevölkerungsrückgang von 60.000 auf 40.000 Einwohner verkraften.
      Als positive Entwicklungen darf ich Ihnen beispielhaft die Entwicklung der Husterhöhe (Fachhochschule, Prüf- und Forschungsinstitut, Ansiedlung von Unternehmen, die rd. 2300 neue, technisch qualifizierte Arbeitsplätze geschaffen haben z.B. Convar) nennen.
      Auch im Bereich Infrastruktur konnten 63 neue Straßen durch das vor 10 Jahren eingeführte System der wiederkehrenden Beiträge ausgebaut und erneuert werden.
      Die ehemalige Schuhfabrik Rheinberger beheimatet heute ein Wissenschaftsmuseum, das Dynamikum und zahlreiche Dienstleister. Der Strecktalpark wurde als Naherholungszentrum angelegt. Der Umbau der alten Post zum modernen Museums- und Kulturzentrum wird bald abgeschlossen sein.
      Der Bau einer Einkaufsgalerie im Bereich der Fußgängerzone/Bahnhofstraße ist zur Zeit in Planung.
      Die hohe Schuldenlast, bedingt durch die von Bund und Land auferlegten sozialen Leistungspflichten (Kosten der Unterkunft) soll in den kommenden 15 Jahren durch Einsparungen im Rahmen des sog. "Entschuldungsfonds" im Bereich der Liquiditätskredite abgebaut werden.
      Der "Pakt für Pirmasens" wurde ins Leben gerufen, um insbesondere sozial benachteiligte Kinder und Jugendliche durch Spenden finanzierte Fördermaßnahmen zu unterstützen.

    • Dear Susanne Krekeler: I  want to thank you for your kind and informative note, a response to a general Zettelkasten-pruduction which I apparently, unsolicited sent to you. I will, if that's okay with you post your wonderful and beautifully constructed letter on my Pirmasens blog.I am pleased and happy to learn that things are improving in Pirmasens and I'm glad to learn that there are people like you who care.Best Regards, Fred Leis ( Manfred Leis) einst von Pirmasens

    • Hallo Herr Leis,
      meine Nachricht können Sie natürlich gerne für Ihren Blog verwenden.
      Schöne Grüße

      Susanne Krekeler

Apr 22, 2012

Manfred, alter Pirmasenser...draussen


Pirmasens, Metropole der deutschen Schuhindustrie und internationale Messestadt, liegt im Südwesten von Rheinland-Pfalz am Eingang zum Naturpark Pfälzer Wald, dem größten zusammenhängenden Waldgebiet der Bundesrepublik: Pirmasens ist Sitz der Deutschen Schuhfachschule, des Prüf- und Forschungsinstitutes für die Schuhherstellung und Ausbildungszentrum für Fachleute des Fremdenverkehrs. Verkehrsanbindungen: A 8 aus Richtung Saarbrücken, A 62 aus Richtung Trier/Koblenz, B 10 aus Richtung Karlsruhe,
B 270 aus Richtung Kaiserslautern. Verkehrslandesplatz Pirmasens-Zweibrücken.

Apr 21, 2012

Pirmasens.... blog takeover...

So, I left Pirmasens, my hometown, in 1956. In fact when I think about it I actually spent one year in Speyer, then came back to the Horebstadt and subsequently left for Canada.
I have  lived in Ontario pretty well ever since, became a Canadian in 1967 ( our Centennial year) eventually obtained the famous American Green card, spent a bit of time in the USA but returned to Canada, Toronto area mostly,ran a business and lived in the same home for about 24 years.

I've been back to Germany on trips and visits but my last look at Pirmasens  was  over 20 years ago shortly after the Mauer went down.
The question is...so what am I doing writing a pirmasens blog, I really have no business doing that nor any connections there I can employ  and therefore in all fairness should be looking for someone to help me take this over and make some sense out of this thing, preferably in german.

In some way Pirmasens is almost a microcosm of what's happening to many areas of the world. The richy get richer or sell out to retire, the poor are left for  the government to look after or fend for themselves and aside from that other new elements take over, some good..some not so great. As far as I can tell Pirmasens has long lost it's base, it's industry, the production of quality footwaer and the machinery to make this stuff as well as the related supply industry. Places like that in Northamerica would become ghost-towns but even that possibility was no answer to the pirmasens dilemma because, after all germany is a relatively small country, densly populated and therefore to some degree the area appears to have become the dumping ground of surplus unutilised population.

Is this a fair assessement or just bullshit? I read a while ago in a mainstream german paper that Pirmasens was the poorest place in Germany..this judgement even included the former east Germany..die Zone, where life and living standards apparently are better than in my old hometown.

In the early 50's down the street from our house ( a Landgraf Ludwig Grenadier home leftover) there was a lage factory  Rheinberger....apparently the largest shoefactory in the world...long gone. The Machinery makers as well sold out to China I hear, most of the industry related to shoes and leather is gone.

My  E mail is leisfred@hotmail.com  if you care to contribute to this blog or take it over for the benefit of Pirmasens and it's inhabitants I would look foward to it.

Brasilien... a bric nation

Achuar Delegierten
from my e mail ,
Liebe Freunde,
Like you, I am deeply concerned about the state of our planet.
Wie Sie bin ich zutiefst besorgt über (was) den Zustand  unseres Planeten betrifft.
The Amazon Rainforest, one of the most vital mechanisms in the regulation of our global climate, is a critical area of concern.
Der Amazonas-Regenwald, einer der wichtigsten Mechanismen bei der Regulation unseres globalen Klimas, ist ein kritischer Bereich des Interesses.
With your help, Amazon Watch is working diligently with our indigenous partners to preserve this tremendous natural resource.
Mit Ihrer Hilfe wird Amazon Watch arbeitet fleißig mit unseren einheimischen Partnern, um diese gewaltigen natürlichen Ressourcen zu bewahren.

Yet protecting the rainforest is but one important element in the global movement to create a more sustainable world. Doch den Schutz des Regenwaldes ist aber ein wichtiges Element in der globalen Bewegung, um eine nachhaltigere Welt zu schaffen.

The Spring of Sustainability (March 26th to June 22nd) is a series of presentations by The Shift Network designed to foster greater understanding of global sustainability and inspire large-scale shifts in appropriate, necessary action. Der Frühling der Nachhaltigkeit (März 26 - Juni 22) ist eine Reihe von Präsentationen von der Shift-Netz bestimmt zu einem besseren Verständnis von Nachhaltigkeit und globaler großen Verschiebungen in der INSPIRE geeignet, erforderlich Handeln zu fördern. More than 100 sustainability pioneers will be presenting at this FREE online series of events, and we're proud to be co-sponsors. Mehr als 100 Pioniere der Nachhaltigkeit wird bei diesem kostenlosen Online-Reihe von Veranstaltungen präsentiert, und wir sind stolz darauf, Co-Sponsoren sein.

Get all the details and sign up for free here. Holen Sie sich alle Details und melden Sie sich kostenlos hier.

The Spring of Sustainability is your chance to participate in a virtual event of truly global proportions, with tens of thousands of change-makers with shared passion for a sustainable future. Die Frühjahrstagung der Nachhaltigkeit ist Ihre Chance, in einer virtuellen Veranstaltung von wahrhaft globalem Ausmaß, mit Zehntausenden von Change-Maker mit gemeinsamen Leidenschaft für eine nachhaltige Zukunft zu beteiligen.

If you'd like to... Wenn Sie möchten, um ...

  • Transform fear and frustration into hope and actions you can contribute directly to creating a sustainable world for all beings Verwandeln Sie Angst und Frustration in der Hoffnung und Aktionen können Sie einen direkten Beitrag zur Schaffung einer nachhaltigen Welt für alle Wesen
  • Learn fun, inspiring ways you can engage your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers to build a community that puts sustainability first Erfahren Sie Spaß, inspirierende Möglichkeiten, wie Sie Ihre Familie eingreifen kann, Freunden, Nachbarn und Kollegen, eine Gemeinschaft, die Nachhaltigkeit an erster Stelle bauen
  • Discover why new systems rooted in justice and sustainability consciousness are the only viable solution for our planet Entdecken Sie, warum neue Systeme in Gerechtigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit Bewusstsein verwurzelt die einzige lebensfähige Lösung für unseren Planeten sind
  • Network and collaborate with other passionate people and organizations on sustainable initiatives – and help create a thriving planet Netzwerk und mit anderen engagierten Menschen und Organisationen auf nachhaltige Initiativen zusammenarbeiten - und dazu beitragen, eine blühende Planeten

Then please find out more about how you can join this movement at the Spring of Sustainability. Dann melden Sie mehr darüber, wie Sie diese Bewegung auf der Frühjahrstagung der Nachhaltigkeit zu verbinden.

Remember, the Spring of Sustainability is completely FREE, and it's designed to empower all of us to create a greener, more sustainable future. Register here. Denken Sie daran, der Frühling der Nachhaltigkeit völlig frei, und es ist zu ermächtigen uns alle, eine grünere und nachhaltigere Zukunft zu schaffen. Registrieren Sie sich hier.

Apr 15, 2012


Modern Genocides Rooted in Past Cover-Ups

Author Cites 1945 Slaughter of German Women, Children

In 10 countries, men, women and children are being killed as part of systematic “genocide, ‘politicide’ or mass atrocities,” according to Genocide Watch’s recently updated list.
In Syria, pro-democracy protesters and civilian bystanders are being bombed, shot and starved by their government’s security forces; in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 3 to 5 million civilians, mostly women and girls, have been raped and murdered; and in North Korea, labor camps house 500,000 domestic and political prisoners, and non-party members are starved and undergo forced abortions.
“Many people don’t realize that genocide is occurring every day all over the world,” says Renata Reinhart, author of In the Course of My Life (www.rexvita.com), an account of the little-known Soviet genocide of 2 million Eastern Germans in 1945, committed with the complicity of England and the United States.
“It’s something we should all be deeply concerned about – any of us can become the next victims,” Reinhart says.
One hallmark of genocide is that the perpetrators deny it, says Dr. Gregory Stanton, president of Genocide Watch and the International Association of Genocide Scholars. They use tactics such as questioning and minimizing the statistics; blaming renegade forces; claiming self-defense; and/or claiming deaths were inadvertent and not intentional.
Allowing the killers to deny the massacres ensures future slaughters, Stanton says.
“Studies by genocide scholars prove that the single best predictor of future genocide is denial of a past genocide coupled with impunity for its perpetrators,” he says. “Genocide deniers are three times more likely to commit genocide again than other governments.”
In the case of the 1945 ethnic cleansing of Eastern Germany, Russian soldiers were given license to launch a “Revenge without Mercy” on the civilian populations of East Prussia, Silesia, Pomerania and other parts of Eastern Europe, Reinhart says.
“It’s documented; it’s just been ignored, concealed and forgotten,” she says, noting Nobel Prize-winner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, a captain in the Red Army who witnessed the atrocities and recounted them in his poem, “Prussian Nights.” A survivor of the slaughter, Margot Serowy, tells her story in paintings at MargotSoweryFineArt.com.
Anticipating Germany’s defeat in World War II, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin considered the territories he would eventually claim and decided they should be cleared of all Germans, Reinhart says. Soldiers in the Red Army were encouraged to burn, loot, pillage, rape and kill to drive the Germans out of those areas beginning in January 1945.
“England’s prime minister, Winston Churchill, was informed of the plan and referred to it – approvingly – in 1944 as ‘these population tranferences,’ ’’ Reinhart says. “Churchill personally ordered the massive bombing and destruction of East Prussia’s capital Konigsberg for no justifiable strategic reason and a few months later, the British bombed and leveled Dresden, killing 30.000 to 40.000 civilians. These attacks helped pave the way for Stalin’s genocide.”
The “revenge” soldiers, she added, were supplied with food, trucks, Jeeps and other vehicles by the United States.
“Because the victims were German, it was all right to rape children and murder women. No one tried to stop it,” Reinhart says. “And, apparently, it’s all right to kill men, women and children in Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Burma – the rest of the countries on the Genocide Watch list.
“We need to hold the perpetrators accountable. That’s the first step to stopping these atrocities.”

Renata Reinhart is the pen name of the author, a scholar of World War II history who spent years researching the Red Army’s march across Eastern Europe in 1945. While the book is fictionalized as a memoir, the historical elements are accurate and based on numerous documented sources.
If you would like to run the above article, please feel free to do so. Please let me know if you’d be interested in receiving a copy of the book, In the Course of My Life, for possible review.
Ginny Grimsley
National Print Campaign Manager
News and Experts
3748 Turman Loop #101
Wesley Chapel, FL 33544

Feb 19, 2012

Katharine G.Leis, Glimpses ( a 9/11 story)

This review is from:
10 characters. And that is all.
Characters that any true person can relate to. Characters who have dreams, who have hopes, who win and lose tiny little battles every day. Characters who likely have dropped toast to land freshly-buttered side down. Characters like all of us.
Characters about to share one event.
Yes, it takes place in New York City. Yes, it quickly becomes clear that September 11th is about to wipe the morning's toast disaster from each of their minds. Yes it's another 9-11 inspired piece of "art."
But it's done well.
This is not another ignorant country song to rally the nation against the bad-guys. This is a small and wonderful collection of normal moments, carefully crafted like a spider-web about to be blown away by an unseen force.
Included in this collection is an epilogue where Katharine herself becomes one of the characters and openly shares her account of the event without pretense or preachy opinions.
An enjoyable read.

Another comment::
Glimpses is an in depth look inside the individual lives of ten people. Page by page you journey with them through their day. Experiencing first hand who they are, what they do, how they think and insight on their individual goals in life. You'll enter their homes, work places and the minds of these five women and five men. Their ages vary and each of them could resemble someone you've met somewhere in time. Although, I've been known to start reading a book and get easily distracted. Not so the case with Glimpses. I could not put it down until I finished reading it in its entirety. Great piece of work from this first time author and I'll be anxiously awaiting her next book. ...

The beauty of this book is its simplicity. Ten common people--a rising executive, an aspiring actress, a middle-aged newsstand owner, a nanny for a power couple, a womanizing bartender, an aerobics teacher with self-image issues, a garbage hauler, a drug-addled stripper, a double amputee who works with kids, and a schoolgirl who feels that nothing in the world can be worse than being caught without your homework--are shown going about their lives on September 10, 2001, in a city very like New York. The expected denouement is not how things turn out, as the story segues into an impassioned personal first-person voice by the obviously affected narrator, whose own helplessness was caused by her feeling lost and useless in Orlando, Florida. The pat symmetry of the narrative, which threatens to be trite in the early going, is redeemed by finely observed details and an outpouring of emotion that sums up the universal sense of closeness that was lost in America all too quickly.
And another:
We all have those moments when we sit back and think to ourselves, "Why am I not anywhere near where I thought I would be at this stage in my life". Then we try to think of what it was that went wrong. We attempt to pinpoint this life changing decision we made somewhere along the line that put us where we are today. Why do we do this? We are looking for someone to blame. The book Glimpses by Katharine Leis is a wonderful reminder that we are in control of our own lives even when it feels out of control. There is nobody to blame, but ourselves, if we are not headed in the direction of where we want to be. Life is too short to not be doing what we truly desire to do. We are reminded of this as we read about the daily lives of the ten different characters Ms. Leis descriptively describes and revealing their inner thoughts. Glimpses is not a book that I will keep lined up on my bookshelf with the rest. I have decided to pack it away with my Christmas/New Year's Eve decorations. This way I know I will start every year by rereading it and bringing back the revitalizing feeling that comes at the end of this book. Hopefully the feeling will last throughout the year.

Jan 21, 2012


Secret Society and good fortune...scam?

I have just gotten the Secret Society invitation and 5 stories booklet in the mail after I replied. I think the secret message is that you must create and hold an image in your mind visually (which uses the right side of your brain) that you are special and deserving of all the riches, fame, love, etc that life has to offer. This visual image is white magic which inclines people and even things to help you in your life's endeavors. And so subconsciously the rich and powerful Illuminati types in the Secret Society are using this "I am special" thought and image to gain many advantages over the left brained operating people.

Most all celebrities use this same "I am Special" thought or thinking to gain a following, fame, and money. And so whatever your aspirations in life using this right brain image of specialness for yourself can attract people and circumstances to you for your benefit and enhance any natural abilities or desires you have to accomplish. This is also the technique of creative visualization.

The great sorrow is that the Secret Secret Society uses this knowledge to gain material gains and sells this message for profit. Rather it is better for the Illuminati to give all people the message that they are special and need to use their right brain to contemplate and visualize what they wish to achieve in life. This is the way of the future not the pyramid shaped societies of today of the rich and famous at the top and the masses of other peoples at the bottom.

I copied the above text from a forum on the subject, here is another article with a somewhat related similar message: please note these two items are copies from the forum,not my words:
Not all scams are on the Internet and I think this one should be given the light of day.
I am not exactly sure where this belongs because there does not seem to be a category here.
A few weeks ago, I received by snail mail an offer to receive some free information telling me how I could become richer in life, wealth and love.
The letter was very flattering and stroked my ego as well as a desire to be wealthy and travel the world. This is all by design for you to take the bait.
The offer said that I had to return or fax back a form requesting the free info before that Friday coming up.
With hockey playoffs and the final arrival of some warmer weather for spring, I did not get around to actually reading the information until the Saturday past the deadline. I decided that for the price of a stamp, I would take a chance and send my form in.
I had been specially selected for this honor because I was entering the "second cycle" of my life and can accept the "Secret Society's Inner Secrets" that are over 2300 years old and been used by all the rich and powerful throughout modern history.......Whew! Heady stuff!!
Well, I guess I got lucky and they were not paying attention to the deadline that they had set. I am now a "New Secret Society Member"!
I am now in possession of my "Secret Society Orientation" booklet and according to the instructions, once I uncover the secret message inside the 5 true stories in the booklet I "will come upon wealth and fame".
Now if I happen to NOT discover the secret message...."you still absorb it when you read your enclosed Secret Society Orientation booklet, and within two weeks, THREE very good things will happen to you involving money, power and love!"
This whole deal is to try and draw you in to buying the 680 page "Inner Secrets Manuscript" for the low, low price of $200.00 USD, L130.00 British Pounds, $270 Australian dollars, $235 Canadian dollars 150 Euro's $345 New Zealand dollars and the best part.....1,680 South African Rand but they only accept cash or credit card if paying by Rand......
This is all very convincing if you have read or seen any DaVinci Code or Angels and Demons books or movies.
Here is where Google becomes your best friend. There is a name in the booklet. "Kirsten Hart" comes up with enough warnings of fraud.
I have the free booklet. I read some....I'll let you know in 3 weeks if I become rich and famous.......

I received the booklet and related propaganda in the mail, I never asked for it. Visa or MasterCard for $200 is payable to The Society...that's it, 7 day offer expires Friday..any Friday I guess..

more on this secret society scene, I posted this on the fraud  forum....don't ask me why...!
I received the package in the mail,figured it's ad junk and did not open it for a few days.
 Missed the Friday response deadline I guess.
 Finally opened the envelope, found the booklet with the 5 articles and some other stuff.Guess this is a special offer just for me, the price was reduced from $250.00 to merely Can. $200.00 guess I am really special.
 There were a few other pieces of printing in the package, one page printed two sides promised a big dick.
No kidding. The illustration showed 4 different sizes, mini to large the big one about 12 inches..I'm afraid I was so appalled I ripped this page up,should have kept it. In defense of the advertisers I believe it was in a separate envelope marked adult content.
I will reveal a secret here,looking down I can relate to the smaller of the 4 tools described but I can not for the world of me imagine why one of my greatest wishes or desires would be to have a bigger dick...what on earth for,my gadget has given me enough trouble in my lifetime....
Anyway, I must admit I was entertained by the unsolicited mail but sorry, not interested in the 630 page book for $200...

Jan 1, 2012


Fuer ein paar hundert Dollars or Euros man verkauft da einen Artikel der gefaehrliche Strahlen von Komputers und Handy's ( Cell phones) auf-fangen soll..Es gibt sogar Leute die diesen Ramsch kaufen....mir bleibt das staunen..Die sagen da:

Ein Alltag ohne Handy, Computer oder Wireless Lan - heute unvorstellbar. Und natürlich haben diese Kommunikationsmittel einen berechtigten Platz in unserem Leben. Allerdings können sie auch Unannehmlichkeiten mit sich bringen.
Immer mehr Menschen reagieren sensibel auf elektromagnetische Strahlungsfrequenzen, die von Mobilfunkantennen, Handys, DECT-Telefonen und Computern ausgehen. Sie klagen dann unter anderem über Schlafstörungen, Konzentrationsschwierigkeiten, Nervosität, Reizbarkeit, Kopfschmerzen, · Schwindel, u.a.m. ( ja, besonders der Schwindel,...Gott vergess es)..

Jeder Mensch ist etwas Besonderes und reagiert individuell. Genauso vielfältig können deshalb auch die Symptome sein, die auf eine erhöhte Strahlungs-Sensibilität hinweisen. Deshalb ist es manchmal schwer, einen Zusammenhang zwischen individuellen Beschwerden und einer zunehmenden Belastung durch Elektrosmog zu erkennen. Aber: Nicht immer ist es der Stress einer immer schneller werdenden Welt mit immer höheren Anforderungen, der unserem Körper und unserer Seele zusetzt.

Eine wachsende Anzahl von Menschen ist durch die rasante Zunahme von Strahlungsfrequenzen verunsichert. Avantgarde Energetic hat deshalb den innovativen Energy Badge entwickelt. Der Badge kann auf Handys, Computer, Laptop, Telefon und andere Geräte angebracht werden.

Der Energy Badhe ( diesmal falschgeschrieben ?) absorbiert problematische Strahlungfrequenzen und transformiert diese in eine für den Körper verträgliche Form. Außerdem wurde dem Badge zusätzlich eine energetische Wertigkeit aufmodeliert. Diese überträgt sich auf den Körper und kann damit das Wohlbefinden unterstützen: Für mehr Gelassenheit oder Präsenz, einen frischeren Geist, eine bessere Konzentrationsfähigkeit, mehr Lebensfreude und eine heitere Stimmung.(Ja...heitere Simmung...jetzt wird's interessant)..

Wir bieten übrigens auch die einfach zu handhabenden Geräte von RayGuard an, um den Körper, Haus und Büro schützen zu können. Diese Geräte arbeiten mit den seit langem bekannten Eigenschaften von Quarz und anderen Mineralien, die verschiedene Strahlungsmuster absorbieren können und diese in Frequenzen transformieren, die für biologische Systeme besser verträglich sind.

Wirklich, man sollte dise Diebe in's Loch stecken.
Das Obige habe ich von einem Ad kopiert, was in Italics steht ist mein Zusatz ,Ich  kann kaum glauben dass so was heutzutage in Deutschland genehmigt ist, das Ganze schreit nach Betrug.