Jan 21, 2012


Secret Society and good fortune...scam?

I have just gotten the Secret Society invitation and 5 stories booklet in the mail after I replied. I think the secret message is that you must create and hold an image in your mind visually (which uses the right side of your brain) that you are special and deserving of all the riches, fame, love, etc that life has to offer. This visual image is white magic which inclines people and even things to help you in your life's endeavors. And so subconsciously the rich and powerful Illuminati types in the Secret Society are using this "I am special" thought and image to gain many advantages over the left brained operating people.

Most all celebrities use this same "I am Special" thought or thinking to gain a following, fame, and money. And so whatever your aspirations in life using this right brain image of specialness for yourself can attract people and circumstances to you for your benefit and enhance any natural abilities or desires you have to accomplish. This is also the technique of creative visualization.

The great sorrow is that the Secret Secret Society uses this knowledge to gain material gains and sells this message for profit. Rather it is better for the Illuminati to give all people the message that they are special and need to use their right brain to contemplate and visualize what they wish to achieve in life. This is the way of the future not the pyramid shaped societies of today of the rich and famous at the top and the masses of other peoples at the bottom.

I copied the above text from a forum on the subject, here is another article with a somewhat related similar message: please note these two items are copies from the forum,not my words:
Not all scams are on the Internet and I think this one should be given the light of day.
I am not exactly sure where this belongs because there does not seem to be a category here.
A few weeks ago, I received by snail mail an offer to receive some free information telling me how I could become richer in life, wealth and love.
The letter was very flattering and stroked my ego as well as a desire to be wealthy and travel the world. This is all by design for you to take the bait.
The offer said that I had to return or fax back a form requesting the free info before that Friday coming up.
With hockey playoffs and the final arrival of some warmer weather for spring, I did not get around to actually reading the information until the Saturday past the deadline. I decided that for the price of a stamp, I would take a chance and send my form in.
I had been specially selected for this honor because I was entering the "second cycle" of my life and can accept the "Secret Society's Inner Secrets" that are over 2300 years old and been used by all the rich and powerful throughout modern history.......Whew! Heady stuff!!
Well, I guess I got lucky and they were not paying attention to the deadline that they had set. I am now a "New Secret Society Member"!
I am now in possession of my "Secret Society Orientation" booklet and according to the instructions, once I uncover the secret message inside the 5 true stories in the booklet I "will come upon wealth and fame".
Now if I happen to NOT discover the secret message...."you still absorb it when you read your enclosed Secret Society Orientation booklet, and within two weeks, THREE very good things will happen to you involving money, power and love!"
This whole deal is to try and draw you in to buying the 680 page "Inner Secrets Manuscript" for the low, low price of $200.00 USD, L130.00 British Pounds, $270 Australian dollars, $235 Canadian dollars 150 Euro's $345 New Zealand dollars and the best part.....1,680 South African Rand but they only accept cash or credit card if paying by Rand......
This is all very convincing if you have read or seen any DaVinci Code or Angels and Demons books or movies.
Here is where Google becomes your best friend. There is a name in the booklet. "Kirsten Hart" comes up with enough warnings of fraud.
I have the free booklet. I read some....I'll let you know in 3 weeks if I become rich and famous.......

I received the booklet and related propaganda in the mail, I never asked for it. Visa or MasterCard for $200 is payable to The Society...that's it, 7 day offer expires Friday..any Friday I guess..

more on this secret society scene, I posted this on the fraud  forum....don't ask me why...!
I received the package in the mail,figured it's ad junk and did not open it for a few days.
 Missed the Friday response deadline I guess.
 Finally opened the envelope, found the booklet with the 5 articles and some other stuff.Guess this is a special offer just for me, the price was reduced from $250.00 to merely Can. $200.00 guess I am really special.
 There were a few other pieces of printing in the package, one page printed two sides promised a big dick.
No kidding. The illustration showed 4 different sizes, mini to large the big one about 12 inches..I'm afraid I was so appalled I ripped this page up,should have kept it. In defense of the advertisers I believe it was in a separate envelope marked adult content.
I will reveal a secret here,looking down I can relate to the smaller of the 4 tools described but I can not for the world of me imagine why one of my greatest wishes or desires would be to have a bigger dick...what on earth for,my gadget has given me enough trouble in my lifetime....
Anyway, I must admit I was entertained by the unsolicited mail but sorry, not interested in the 630 page book for $200...

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