Aug 31, 2014

...ach geh mir doch....

...that's the frustrated expression of my Berlin Friend..whenever we discuss some form of current politics. Of course anything I may have to contribute is based on filtering an oncoming bunch of mixed information,propaganda and disinformation with a dose of acquired common sense and my own viewpoint as well as a quirky and puzzled   look at the world as I see it at the moment.
Mix into that the tremendous changes resulting from the events of the last hundred years much of it due to  the rise and fall of the place  called  Deutschland. As well as the aftermath since 1945...48...56..70s and the miserably  reasoned American wars to contain communism ( Korea, Vietnam)  and later so called Islamic based terrorism ( Iraq, Afghanistan)...Hm..

Germany then, history short as it is,( 1871 it was founded).. today's place in Europe and the world, the relationship to and with Britain (what's left of it) France and mostly the USA, as well the newer economic relationship with Russia.
I would like to use and apply some of my thoughts to another blog, world-concerns, something I have neglected for a while for reasons hard to explain.
Perhaps by writing under my old hometown name some of what I may or may not have to say will reappear on that post as well.

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