Dec 23, 2010

frohe fest-tage

und nun, frohe weihnachten...

Oct 1, 2010

9,800 tonnen gold....tons of gold...

A brief but interesting item on the news here yesterday....apparently, Germany just paid off the last of the world war 1 debts, an amount set by the then allies who were at war with the Reich from 1914 til 1918. War broke out in 1914, lasted until 1918 and the settlement conditions were imposed on the new German Republic ( so called Weimar Republic) in 1922.

The amount set by the so called victors, mostly France and Britain amounted to trillions of Gold marks or dollars...the equivalent of 9,800 tons of gold. After over 90 years, apparently Germany just paid off the last part of this horrendous assessment.

I just wanted to get this written down, it is important to comment on it and I will translate this into German as well.

It must be remembered that four years after the end of WW1, the so called victors imposed this on Germany. Also, this war was not won or lost, there was an armistice but it also was the end of the so called golden years for Germany, lasting from 1871 when Germany was created until 1918, the end of WW I and the turmoil that followed.

I usually like to supply a picture with my notes, this shows a charge by Prussian soldiers...the Prussians beat the French ( Napoleon 3rd.) and Germany was created out of hundreds of bits and pieces of German speaking duchies and communities, miniature bits and pieces of what once was supposed to have been the holy roman empire of German nations.....which was never holy or roman, or for that matter much of an empire.
French provinces or territories, Elsass and Lothringen became part of the newly created German Reich.. (Bismarck pieced this together).

..The largest original component was the Kingdom of Prussia.. ounce of gold in today's market sells for between 1200 and 1300 Dollars...I believe an ounce is equal to 35 grammes...1000 grammes per kilogram or 1,000- Kilogrammes per ton (2,000 pounds per ton or is it 2240#) do the's horrendous.

The picture shows a charge by Prussia..note the cannonballs...

Aug 31, 2010


...the war in Iraq is over...because Mr.Obama said so.

Combat forces are going home. Only 50,000 advisers and trainers for the Iraq army will remain for a while. This is by no means the end. Very quickly you will see Iran moving their forces into position, they conducted several wars with the former regime and are the most likely to get involved in controlling this country in the future.

The Americans have left a horrible mess behind. Most of the US Dollars spent to repair part of the infrastructure are probably totally wasted. The mysterious other side, the enemy, the insurgence...will, along with super fanatic religious leaders eventually come to the surface. You can't rule this country by blowing up whatever police structure you put in place be it foreign imposed or domestic.

Barack Obama
September 1, 2010 12:21:43 AM

Tonight marks the end of the American combat mission in Iraq.As a candidate for this office, I pledged to end this war responsibly. And, as President, that is what I am doing.Since I became Commander-in-Chief, we've brought home nearly 100,000 U.S. troops. We've closed or turned over to Iraq hundreds of our bases.As Operation Iraqi Freedom ends, our commitment to a sovereign, stable, and self-reliant Iraq continues.
Under Operation New Dawn, a transitional force of U.S. troops will remain to advise and assist Iraqi forces, protect our civilians on the ground, and pursue targeted counter terrorism efforts.By the end of next year, consistent with our agreement with the Iraqi government, these men and women, too, will come home.Ending this war is not only in Iraq's interest -- it is in our own. Our nation has paid a huge price to put Iraq's future in the hands of its people.
We have sent our men and women in uniform to make enormous sacrifices. We have spent vast resources abroad in the face of several years of recession at home.We have met our responsibility through the courage and resolve of our women and men in uniform.
In seven years, they confronted a mission as challenging and as complex as any our military has ever been asked to face.Nearly 1.5 million Americans put their lives on the line. Many returned for multiple tours of duty, far from their loved ones who bore a heroic burden of their own. And most painfully, more than 4,400 Americans have given their lives, fighting for people they never knew, for values that have defined our people for more than two centuries.What their country asked of them was not small. And what they sacrificed was not easy.For that, each and every American owes them our heartfelt thanks.Our promise to them -- to each woman or man who has donned our colors -- is that our country will serve them as faithfully as they have served us. We have already made the largest increase in funding for veterans in decades.
So long as I am President, I will do whatever it takes to fulfill that sacred trust.Tonight, we mark a milestone in our nation's history. Even at a time of great uncertainty for so many Americans, this day and our brave troops remind us that our future is in our own hands and that our best days lie ahead.
Thank you,
President Barack Obama

May 10, 2010


And somewhere I wrote about Barney...the barn dog. He got old and he is gone. A fine dog but after 14 years his time had come.

Apr 16, 2010


The big three at the Yalta conference. Picture taken by US Army photographer. It shows the mass murderer Stalin as well as Mass Murderer Churchill.
The American President Roosevelt was quite frail at this time and only had months to live. His V.P. sidekick Harry Truman was apparently unaware of the fact that the atomic bomb was just about ready to be deployed....he,Truman used it twice over Japan to bring WW ll to an end.

Apr 4, 2010


Please, do not leave me any advertising or garbage comments not related to my blog efforts as I will pitch all this crap.Thank You!

Bitte, keine ads oder ramsch der mit meinem blog nichts zu tun hat, wird eifach weg geworfen.Vielen Dank!

Mar 27, 2010

Frau Merkel....

Please, read my blog: (this is a link which takes you there)

Part of a speech to the American congress and commentary by Frau Merkel , Chancellor of Germany, was describing or praising the Americans as "unsere Befreier", I strongly reject this label. I like Americans in general and have taken up residence there but to actually refer to the war and postwar administrations and their leaders as our liberators is a bit too much for me.

Frau Merkel spricht von Amerika als "unsere Befreier"...selbst fuer mich ist das nun eben doch etwas zu viel. Sie haette das doch besser nicht gesagt. Grober Unsinn, ich werde versuchen mein geschreibsel in Deutsch hier mal wieder zu bringen, mittlerweile bitte lesen sie das in meinem blog in english. Danke.

Mar 24, 2010

Deutschland...1. 2. 3. Reich erklaert...

The First Reich
(962?) 800-1806) was the Holy Roman Empire, which included modern day Germany, Austria, the Czech lands, Northern Italy, and various other territories. Already in the Middle Ages it consisted of several almost independent states, often at war with one another. After the Reformation the authority of the Emperor was further weakened. It was often said that it was "neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire."

Charles the Great was crowned christmas 800 in Rome.
Charlemagne or Kaiser Karl as the Germans preferred to call him started this Empire but after his death it slowly fell apart as one unit or country. Charles the Great; Son of Pepin, King of the Franks,768-814.

....und dann liebe Kinder...1000 Jahre vergingen, die Pest und der 30 Jaehrige Krieg.....and about 1000 years later, after the 30 year war and death throug pest of about 2/3 of the people in the german lands....

1860s Napoleon Bonaparte defeated Prussia and Prussia was reduced to less than half it's size...


...1870, France under Napoleon the third, lost the war against Prussia
leading to the formation of the Grossdeutsche Reich, which included Elsass and Lothringen of France as well as large areas in the east and components of land formerly closer to Danmark ( Schleswig Holstein).

The Second Reich
was Imperial Germany (1871-1918), as unified by Bismarck.
Napoleon Bonaparte just about destroyed the former Germany called Prussia. Napoleon the 3rd. much later lost yet another war against Prussia in 1870 and along with it the regions of Alsace and Lorraine. The French considered this unfinished business and after WW1 promptly reclaimed these lands. ( Metz,Strassbourg Etc.)..

The Third Reich

was Nazi Germany (1933-45).
The Third Reich was the region pieced together by Adolf Hitlers Dictatorship Regime,it also included Austria. The period ended in total destruction of Germany mostly by the Americans through carpet bombardment of the entire country far beyond military targets,( so called allied forces, British and their former colonial support, Canada Australia New Zealand etc).
Massive financial and material support by the USA rebuilt the Russian forces under dictator Stalin of the communist USSR. The end of the war resulted in mass starvation of the German population from 1945 to 1948, the country was split into American,British,French and Russian Zones exploited by these so called allies.

Feb 27, 2010


Erdbeben in Chile...a natural disaster estimated at being 800 times as powerful as the quake in Haiti.

Germany wasted 150 Million Euros for traffic lighs and street lighting for Kabul...and by the looks of it this normally important infrastructur component does not work and most likely will never work. The locals are simply not interested or capable to make this work.
Afghanistan is ruled by greedy warlords and criminals any effort to change this is, has been and will be a total waste of out efforts and taxes.

Support Chile...they deserve our assistance, they are a good and decent people wothy of our support.

Jan 31, 2010

Americans; Superhero or Criminals..

Please don't get me's not that I dislike the Chancellor... Mrs. Merkel; or the fact that she is a female...nothing like that whatsoever I assure you.
What truly bothers me is the ignorance of historical facts and the total sucking up to the Americans.
And again...I am not anti American, not at all but why is it wrong to disagree with the crimes committed by the US Truman, or Bush II or those associated with the rulers of the USA who clearly committed crimes against humanity.

I have lived in North america for over 50 years. I own a nice home in Florida. That should not mean that when the German Chancellor talks about the USA and uses vocabulary like unsere Befreier, translate our liberators...that I have to buy this crap and agree with it.

The war with Germany was just about over, the country, Germany more than 85% destroyed when Churchill decided on one more act of total revenge. Dresden. This beautiful city was filled with fleeing women and children, who were heading west from the Russian and Polish regions, there was no significant military value in or about Dresden, when it was decided to totally destroy this place and kill, burn to death somewhere between 1/4 and 1/2 million innocent civilians and refugees.

You have to be an idiot to consider this stupid act as anything anywhere describing liberation.; it was nothing short of mass murder..please Frau the history..And while you're at it look at Nagasaki and Hiroshima..and the Truman revenge connection.
DEUTSCH: re obiges...
Ich wollte unbedingt meine Gedanken schnell loswerden...schon seit geraumer Weile hat es mich veraergert dass Frau Merkel mit ihrer Rede im Amerikanischen Kongress von unsere Befreier ( die Amerikaner) quasselte...Befreier von wem?...Hitler? den Russen?> irgendwie hat mich ihr Gequatsche boese gemacht...

Jan 16, 2010

Nochmal allerhand probleme mit dem konfuser..nichts neu,adware,spyware kram kommt da heraus...das hier ist ein test um wieder mal zu
sehen ob das Ding ueberhaupt noch irgendwie funktioniert..
This is a test...I may elect to scrap this at a later date..much truoble with my computers at the moment, pity really but can't be helped.Installed all sorts of useful virus control software but some junk somehow manages to get into the system.

Jan 1, 2010


Schon eine Weile her..nicht viel zu sagen. Seit geraumer Weile habe ich nun DW-TV am Fernseher die Deutsche Welle.
Jedenfalls ist es interessant die News mal von einer anderen Seite her zu sehen anstatt Fox, CNN, ABC, CBS, CBC..oder anderen Nord Amerikanischen Stationen.

Uebrigens das Bild zeigt eine Schaufenstermodepuppe...also nicht aufregen...alles nur Plastik... kein Porn hier..werde das mal malen..
Aehnlichen Kram , Art kann man schon auf meinem blog finden. ( link)..